October 31, 2023
All of the Smithfield Public Schools are closed on Nov. 7 for voting to occur in the schools.

October 29, 2023
Hello OCRS families,
WOW, what a difference in the weather! From a high of 80 degrees yesterday to a forecasted high of 45 degrees this coming Wednesday, we're experiencing the...

October 22, 2023
Hello OCRS families,
It looks like we're going to have a wide swing of temperatures this week, so we encourage students to wear layers to school to stay warm during the cold mo...

October 18, 2023
Hello OCRS families,
There was an issue today between a few 5th grade girls that started outside of school in group chats via SnapChat. From what the girls shared with us, some...

October 15, 2023
Hello OCRS families,
We hope that everyone is enjoying this beautiful fall weather!
Applying for Free/Reduced Meals if Carryover from Last Year has Expired
Some families ...

October 8, 2023
Hello OCRS families,
I hope everyone is enjoying the 3-day Columbus Day weekend! Reminder, no school this Monday, October 9th on the Columbus Day holiday.
Picture Day this W...

October 1, 2023
Hello OCRS families,
It's the first week of October and we're hoping for drier weather!
Picture Day on October 11th
This fall our Lifetouch School Picture Day is schedule...

September 24, 2023
Hello OCRS families,
Fall is here and that often means cooler mornings and warmer afternoons. It's important that students have sweatshirts, sweaters, or light jackets to wear ...

September 17, 2023
Hello OCRS families,
We are thankful that the hurricane moved by us without causing any major issues! Besides the rain forecasted for Monday, it looks to be a nice, cool week. ...
September 13, 2023
Due to expected heavy rains and flooding conditions, the SHS Open House scheduled for Wed. , Sept. 13 has been rescheduled for Thursday, Sept. 28.

September 13, 2023
Because severe weather has been forecasted for this evening with the potential for hail and localized flooding, we are moving tonight's PTA meeting to be completely virtual at 6P...

September 12, 2023
Now that we're in our 3rd week of the new school year, we want to establish and reinforce routines that are helpful for all families. The weather these past few days has meant tha...

September 10, 2023
Hello OCRS families,
We finally have a full week of school! Hopefully, the weather will be cooler this week and make it easier and more comfortable for students, teachers, and ...

September 7, 2023
A reminder that today all Smithfield schools are being dismissed 2 hours early due to the extreme heat. For OCRS, that means that dismissal today will be at 12:45 PM instead of o...
September 6, 2023
The Gallagher Middle School Open House date has been changed to Sept. 12.

September 5, 2023
Hello OCRS families,
I hope that you have enjoyed the extra long Labor Day/Election Day weekend! As I'm sure that you are aware, the forecast for the remainder of this week is ...

September 3, 2023
Hello OCRS families,
Thank you for a terrific first week of school! It was great for us to welcome students back after the summer break and for us to meet new students.

August 28, 2023
Hello OCRS families,
I know that it's hard to believe, but the first week of school is here! The OCRS teachers and staff are ready and excited to welcome our 1st through 5th gr...

August 22, 2023
Welcome back! Students in grades 1-12 begin school on Tuesday, August 29.

August 21, 2023
Hello OCRS families,
As we get closer to the beginning of the new school year there is a LOT of important information to help everyone get ready for the new school year, so kee...