
Hello OCRS Families,

To date, only about 25% of OCRS families have updated their students' information using the district's online Parent Portal! We really need to have all OCRS families take about 15 minutes to update their child's information and review the agreements (including whether or not the school can publish photos of your child on the school website and social media accounts).

We can help!

If you are a parent that needs your Activation Key to create a Parent Portal account, please email Mr. Barrette ( and Mrs. Deus ( We can quickly get that information for you!

If you are a parent that already has a Parent Portal account BUT you can't remember your username or password, please email Mr. Barrette ( and he can assist you.


The school district is asking all families to update and confirm the information that we have in our information system for your student(s) by next week. This is a process that the district undertakes annually and we’re using an online process this year that makes things quicker and easier without needing to return paper forms to the school. Here are the types of information that families are being asked to review and update:

  • Family information
  • Phone and email contact information
  • Affirmation of Student policies
    • Acceptable Use
    • Equipment Loan
    • FERPA (Family Education Rights and Privacy Act)
  • Whether or not you give permission for the school to publish photos of your child on the school website or social media pages

Families will use the Smithfield Infinite Campus Parent Portal to complete the student information review and update process. Please set aside about 15 minutes to complete the online forms. Also, please do NOT use a mobile device to try and complete the online forms. A laptop, desktop computer, or a tablet with a large screen are the best tools to use.

Families can login to the Infinite Campus Parent Portal to complete this annual information review and update process at

Families can find instructions on the process and how to login to the Parent Portal at

Thank you!
Mr. Barrette