Hello OCRS families,
Two more full weeks and 1 day of school left this year! Please have your child check the lost and found this week for any clothing or water bottles they may have lost since April Break. We will be donating anything that is not claimed.
Daily Attendance (Still) Matters!
Even though we are heading into our last 11 days of school, instruction is still taking place and daily attendance for all students is just as important!
As of now, 14% of OCRS students are identified by the state as being chronically absent (absent for more than 10% of the scheduled school days). While this is a significant improvement when compared to last school year (24% of students were chronically absent), it's still too large a percentage of students who have been absent for more than 10% of the school days. Let's end the school year strong by making sure that all students are present at school these last 11 days, with the exception of serious illness. Thank you!
Please Let the School Know If Your Family is Moving
If your family is moving this summer (or has already moved) and your child will no longer be attending OCRS in the fall, please call the school office at 401-231-6613 or email Mrs. Deus at mdeus@smithfield-ps.org. We want to make sure to update our records and enrollments for next year AND prepare any student files that need to be sent to another school or district.
Field Day this Thursday!
Field Day will take place this Thursday, June 6th (Rain Date Friday, June 7th) and will include a variety of fun activities! This is an all day event for all students. As is our tradition, 5th Grade students will be leading all others from grades K-4 as Station Leaders and Peer Mentors to practice leadership skills. Events will take place throughout the day and will utilize indoor and outdoor spaces of the school. Students will stay with their grade level, spend some of their time indoors and some outdoors, and will rotate to a different space about every 30 minutes.
ALL students should wear sneakers and comfortable clothing appropriate for a day of activities (shorts and t-shirts with their grade level color are ideal), and a water bottle labeled with their name. Sunblock should be applied at home as teachers and staff are not allowed to apply it for students. If parents/guardians are interested in serving as a volunteer during Field Day, please complete this online form, https://bit.ly/OCRSFieldDay2024
If any families are interested in helping Mr. Gruczka clean up the Outdoor Classroom Space this coming Tuesday after school, please email him at tgruczka@smithfield-ps.org. Mr. Gruczka is looking for about 4 to 6 volunteers to assist with clearing, cleaning and lining pathways with logs.
OCRS Spirit Days
We're going to celebrate the last few weeks of the school year with some special Spirit Days for students and staff.
Thursday, June 6th - Field Day and Grade Level Colors
Each grade level wears a specific color to show their pride on Field Day!
1st grade - Blue
2nd grade - Orange
3rd grade - Yellow
4th grade - Black
5th grade - Wear your special green 5th grade t-shirts!
Friday, June 7th - Hawaiian Day
Summer is close! Celebrate wearing your favorite Hawaiian/vacation outfit!
Friday, June 14th - Wild West Day
Saddle up in your best western attire (denim jacket/jeans, boots, hats, neck bandanas)
Kona Ice for All Students on Monday, June 10th
We have arranged for Kona Ice to visit OCRS on Monday, June 10th around 10:00am to provide sweet frozen treats to all students! Please see the linked ingredients list. If any family would NOT like their child to receive Kona Ice, please let us know.
Food Drive, Accepting Donations until June 7th
The Smithfield Department of Human Services is running a Food Drive to help ease the burden of summer hunger. Every food donation brings important support and kindness to those in need! We have a box in the main office of the school to accept donations until June 7th. Here are the items that are needed:
- Canned fruit
- Canned tuna or chicken
- Pasta sauce
- Rice and pasta side dishes
- Condiments such as mayo, ketchup, mustard, salad dressings
- Snacks like raisins, crackers, granola bars, fruit snacks
YMCA Childcare Unavailable on June 14th and 17th
In communication with the YMCA staff we've learned that the typical YMCA before and after school care will not be available on Friday, June 14th and Monday, June 17th. The YMCA has already notified their families, but we also wanted to make sure that all families know this information. If your child typically takes the YMCA bus at dismissal every day, it's important for families to let us know what your child's dismissal routine will be on June 14th and 17th (which bus will they take or will they be a parent pick up).
Mr. Barrette Leaving at the End of the School Year
As Dr. Bartz shared with OCRS families early last week, I am leaving my position as Principal of Old County Road School at the end of this school year. I have attached the letter from Dr. Bartz in case any family missed the message last week.
It has been an honor to serve as the principal of Old County Road School for the past six years. I am so proud of the accomplishments of our school community, including how well our school supported students and families during COVID, the culmination of our school’s renovation project, and being recognized by RIDE for the increase in our RICAS ELA and Math scores. I am incredibly grateful for the dedication, hard work, and support of the teachers, staff, students, administrators, and families who all contributed to these successes.
It was a difficult decision to leave Smithfield and Old County Road School, but I have accepted an opportunity in a Massachusetts school district that is an exciting new challenge and allows me to return to where I began my teaching and administrative career. I am committed to ensuring a smooth transition for everyone involved and I am happy to assist the new principal in any way that I can.
Thank you all for the opportunity to serve as the principal of Old County Road School. I wish the students and the entire school community the absolute best and I will always remember our time together fondly! #OCRSrocks
Upcoming Dates and Events
View and subscribe to the OCRS Public Events Calendar at https://oldcounty.smithfield-ps.org/o/old-county-road-elementary/page/monthly-calendar. Click on the "Add to Google Calendar" button to subscribe to the calendar using your own calendar app.
Field Day, Thursday 6/6
Grade Level Colors Spirit Day, Thursday 6/6
Wild West Spirit Day, Friday 6/7
Kona Ice Cool Treat, Monday 6/10
PTA General Membership Meeting, Monday 6/10 at 6PM
Hawaiian Spirit Day, Friday 6/14
Last Day of School, Monday 6/17
Thank you,
Mr. Barrette