Pajamas and pizza

We hope that the students were able to enjoy the extra long weekend!

Important Information

Thank you to the OCRS PTA for a fun "Parents' Night Out" Event

Thank you to the members of the OCRS PTA and the volunteers for organizing and running a fun night for our students!

No phones or electronic devices at school

Just a quick reminder that, according to page 9 of the School Handbook, students are not to bring electronic devices (including phones) to school. We understand that some families may want their child to have a phone in the case of an emergency, but any such phone must be kept in the student's backpack and not brought out at school. Also, students should not be making any calls or texting during the school day. If a student needs to contact their family, they need to come down to the office and Mrs. Deus will be happy to make the call. Thank you for your cooperation with this school policy.

Parent Volunteers

We welcome and encourage parents to volunteer at OCRS. If you are interested in volunteering, please make sure that you have attended the volunteer training and that your Background Check (BCI) is up to date. We always need volunteers during lunch and recess and some classroom teachers may also like to have parents volunteers help out with preparing materials for the classroom. If you would like to volunteer for your child's classroom teacher, please make sure to check with the teacher ahead of time to find out what they may need and confirm the dates and times that you are going to volunteer.