Daylight Saving

Hello OCRS Families,

Today we began Daylight Saving Time and set our clocks ahead by one hour. While I never look forward to the loss of an hour of sleep, I am always excited by the fact that it's light out later in the day and that the prospect that Spring is right around the corner. This year, more than ever, I think that we are all looking forward to Spring and being able to get outside more into the fresh air and sunshine! As we end the second trimester and get ready to begin the third trimester, let's continue to work together to keep our students and staff healthy and safe so that we can have a successful end to this school year.

"Back to School" Report from Dr. Paolucci

If you have not already read the latest "Back to School" report shared by Dr. Paolucci, please take a few moments to review it at As usual, there is quite a bit of important information for all Smithfield families.

Monday, 3/15 is a Flex Day; No In-Person Learning

As part of the R.I. Department of Education calendar that districts were asked to adopt for this school year, a number of "Flex Days" were included to allow teachers and staff to engage in regular planning to prepare for teaching students in-person as well as virtually. A Smithfield Flex Day is scheduled for Monday, March 15th. Here is what a Flex Day means for students:

  • In-person students will not report to school on Flex Days. All students will be home on Flex Days.
  • There will be no live instruction on a Flex Day for in-person learning students. Virtual learning students will still meet and work with their virtual tutor.
  • All students, in-person and virtual, will have an English Language Arts and Math activity to work on during each Flex Day. In-person students will NOT be bringing home their school Chromebooks ahead of Flex Days. The activities will not require the use of a Chromebook.

REMINDER, please keep students home if sick!

An important reminder; even though that as a district we are no longer collecting the Daily Health Tickets when students arrive at school, it is crucially important for the health and safety of all students and staff that families continue to screen their children each morning and keep students home if they are are demonstrating any of the following symptoms that cannot be explained by a chronic condition:

  • Cough
  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Body aches
  • Sore throat
  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • Diarrhea
  • Stuffy nose
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Loss of taste or smell
  • Shortness of breath

Unfortunately, we have needed to send multiple students home over the past two weeks who were demonstrating these symptoms at school and we had four confirmed student cases of COVID this past week. Students coming to school with symptoms can unintentionally put other students and staff at risk. It also can cause students and staff to be needlessly identified as close contacts and require them to quarantine which has a wide ranging impact on many people.

Our school community, including students, families, and staff, have worked so hard together all year to keep everyone healthy and safe. I ask that we continue to follow the guidelines, protocols, and routines that have been so successful for OCRS to this point in the school year. I know that we all want to go into the third trimester on a positive note and finish the school year successfully for all of our students.

I appreciate your cooperation!

SilverGraphics Fundraiser Online Shop is NOW Open!

Old County Road School's Online Art Shop is open for ordering! Families can use the link below and unique access code to find their student's artwork AND upload additional artwork if you so choose.

Go to and enter ACCESS CODE: OCRSart21

You can order from art your child has created at school or upload art from home. SilverGraphics will print it on face masks, mugs, canvas bags, tiles, and other beautiful mementos. Find the perfect gift for any special occasion, preserve a memory of your child’s creativity, and proudly display your child’s art on treasured keepsakes. See more information at

You will be able to upload multiple pieces of art, something your child created in the past, a new drawing, or both. Sibling art, family projects, and photographs are also accepted! You can also show school pride and order products imprinted with the OCRS logo!

For questions, contact your School Coordinator: Stefanie Howell at

Dental Screening Survey

This year the Oral Health Program at the Rhode Island Department of Health has suggested not performing the traditional in-school dental screenings because of school restrictions related to COVID-19. In place of the screening, we are asking your help with a survey. We ask that you take a moment to look at your child's teeth and indicate the level of need of care. For those without a dentist, resources will be provided to help you find one based upon your answers in the survey. Please complete the survey at

PTA Information

5th Grade Committee meeting

The OCRS PTA 5th Grade Committee is meeting online on Tuesday, 3/14 at 7:00 p.m. All 5th grade families are invited and encouraged to attend. You can find additional information at

SilverGraphics Fundraiser

The OCRS online SilverGraphics shop is now open! Please see the information earlier in this post to browse the online shop, upload additional artwork, and place your order. Thank you to Stefanie Howell and the members of the 5th grade committee for organizing this terrific fundraiser!

PTA General Membership Meeting

The next PTA General Membership meeting is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, April 7th at 7:00 p.m.  Like all meetings this year, this meeting will be held online. Specific details and a link to login will be shared as we get closer to April.

Upcoming Dates and Events

Daylight Savings Begins, Sunday March 14th

Flex Day (NO IN-PERSON LEARNING), Monday March 15th

Student BinaxNOW COVID Testing at School, Tuesday March 16th

Last Day of 2nd Trimester, Friday March 19th

First Day of 3rd Trimester, Monday March 29th

Student BinaxNOW COVID Testing at School, Monday March 22nd

NO SCHOOL, Good Friday, April 2nd

PTA General Membership Meeting, Wednesday April 7th at 7:00 p.m.


Ongoing thanks to OCRS families for your Patience, Flexibility, and Empathy. Those three words are guiding us throughout this school year and we will all need to continue to make adjustments as the year progresses . As long as we approach those adjustments with the best interests of our students as our priority, I am confident that this will continue to be a safe and successful year.

Mr. Barrette

The new school addition is coming along nicely!