Congratulations 5th-grade

Hello OCRS families,

I know that it's hard to believe, but this is our final week of school for the year! I want to thank all of you for your support during this very challenging time of distance learning. While this is certainly not how any of us envisioned ending this school year, I am so proud and grateful for how teachers, staff, and families worked so hard together these past few months to do everything we could to help our students continue to learn and connect with each other. This is a school year that none of us are ever going to forget and I am hopeful that as a state and a town we are able to work out a safe and successful way to welcome students back to school in some shape and form next year.

End of Year Report Cards

End of Year Report Cards will be emailed to families by their child's classroom teacher on Friday, June 12th.

Schedule for this Week

On Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, each classroom teacher will share activities for students in which to engage and participate. Thursday will be the last day of distance learning for this school year.

Friday, June 12th will be for families to drop-off Chromebooks and pick-up summer learning materials. Please see the information below for specifics.

Dropping off Chromebooks and Picking up Summer Materials

All Smithfield students (unless they are confirmed to participate in the ESY program) will be required to return their Chromebook for the summer so that the district's Technology Team can clean, repair, and prepare the devices for the next school year. This is also an opportunity to drop-off any other learning materials that students may have borrowed from the school like library books, band instruments (5th grade), and classroom materials (whiteboards, classroom books, etc.)

In addition, we have summer learning materials to distribute to ALL K-5 students that will help students avoid regressing in their learning over the summer. This is so important considering that students have been engaged in distance learning since the end of March.

Because a number of schools are under construction and to make the process more efficient, the Chromebook collection and summer materials distribution process will take place at Smithfield High School at 90 Pleasant View Ave. Old County Road families are scheduled to return their child's school Chromebook on Friday, June 12th from 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m at Smithfield High School, 90 Pleasant View Avenue. Families can drop off Chromebooks for multiple students in the family at the same time. They should drop everything off at the time designated for their oldest child.

Preparing Chromebook and Other Materials to be Dropped-off

Chromebooks should be labeled with a post-it (or piece of paper and tape) that clearly shows the student’s name, school, and grade level. Please be sure to include all parts of the power adapter.

Library books should be labeled with a post-it (or piece of paper and tape) that clearly shows the student’s name, school, and grade level.

School-owned or rental return band instruments should be labeled with a post-it (or piece of paper and tape) that clearly shows the student’s name, school, and grade level. Also, please indicate whether the instrument is a rental being returned or an instrument loaned by the school. Please be sure to include all parts and accessories that belong with the instrument. Please see the detailed instructions sent to 5th-grade families by Mr. Barrette and Mrs. Preston.

School-owned classroom materials should be bagged and labeled with a post-it (or piece of paper and tape) that clearly shows the student’s name, school, and grade level.

Drop-off & Pick-up Schedule

Student last name A through D, 12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Student last name E through M, 2:00 p.m. to 3:15 p.m.

Student last name N through Z, 3:15 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

In order to make this process as safe and organized as possible, we ask families to please make every effort to come during your assigned time slot. If you truly are not able to come during your assigned time slot, please select another slot from the choices above.

If you're not able to come at all (we understand that many families are working and may not have flexible schedules), the district will send out an alternate drop-off time to families after Friday, June 12th.

"Drive-up" process for picking up materials

When families come to pick-up and drop-off materials, we are going to use a "drive-up" process to accommodate you so that you do not need to get out of your car. We want to minimize the amount of people we have in close proximity to each other at any time. At no time are families to get out of their vehicle or park on the high school campus. Please see the procedure and illustrated map below:

  1. Enter the Smithfield High School entrance at 90 Pleasant View Avenue
  2. Stay to the right when the driveway forks
  3. Stop at Door #18 in front of the high school to pick-up Summer materials. Kindergarten and 5th-grade students will also pick-up end of year packets that include certificates.
  4. Drive forward and stop at Door #2 in front of the high school to drop-off Chromebooks, power cords, library books, band instruments (5th grade), and any other classroom materials that need to be returned.
  5. Drive forward and follow the traffic pattern to exit the school campus. Please keep the traffic moving; there is no parking or stopping allowed.
  6. Stay to the right as you exit the parking lot and exit the campus via the driveway.

Thank you,
Mr. Barrette